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        In 2021, the world’s top contributors from all

        walks of life-Liu Zengji.


        Liu Zengji (Ji), with the name Ruchuan and the word Mochan, was born in a scholarly family in chiping, Liaocheng, Shandong Province. At present, he is the chief artist of the World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and serves as the Executive Committee of the Art Committee of the organization and the Vice Chairman of the World Association of Chinese Artists. Vice President of China National Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Vice Chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chairman of Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association, Standing Committee of Chinese Art Society, Vice Chairman of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Society, Vice President of Chinese National Artists Association, Vice President of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters Research Association, Tutor/Visiting Professor of Bo Shisheng of Oxford Art Institute in the UK, Academician of China International Press Painting and Calligraphy Institute, World Person is one of the top ten calligraphers in China, a calligraphy professor at the Training Center of China Artists Association, the chief painter of the Education Expert Committee of China Association for Science and Technology, and the honorary president (lifelong senior academician) of the National Palace Museum of Painting and Calligraphy in Taipei.


        Liu Zengji’s works


        From the age of six, Liu Zengji was held by his father to learn to write. Over the past 60 years, I have been working hard, working day and night, stepping on the moonlight, facing the sunrise, and staying in the inkstone field. Practicing for the 39th in winter and the middling in summer, taking the heat and fighting the cold, and taking inheriting and carrying forward the excellent cultural traditions of the motherland as our duty! Taking Liu (Gongquan)’ Xuanmi Tower’ in block letters as the case, it is all over Europe (Yangxun), "Jiucheng Palace", Yan (Zhenqing), "Dong Fangshuo Painting Praise", Zhao (Mengqi), "Danba Monument", which has won the danger of Europe, the richness of Yan, the straightness of Liu and the grace of Zhao, and adhered to the Jin Dynasty. Keep in mind the contemporary master of art, Mr. Deng Sanmu, who is a master of the methods of Zhen, Cao, Li and Seal Script, who "first merged with the ancients, then separated from them". He dabbled extensively, searched from top to bottom, and stood alone in Chinese calligraphy circles.


        Liu Zengji’s works


        In the past 40 years, I’ve spent the past 40 years, promoting the quintessence of our country, galloping in Kyushu and making friends! I have traveled all over the country, both in the north and south of the Great Wall and inside and outside the Great Wall, and have benefited a lot from it. It has been widely recognized and appreciated by leaders from all walks of life, colleagues, relatives and friends in China! He has been selected as "Doctor of Chinese Art", "Top Scholar of Chinese Poetry in the New Era", "Meritorious Literary Artist of the Republic", "Master of Chinese Lifetime Art", "Top 100 Leaders in World Literature and Art", "Pride of Art", "Meritorious Artist of the 19th National Congress", "Golden Brick Artist", "National Senior Calligraphy Master" and other titles, and has been awarded "Chinese Calligraphy Art" by the state. Liu Zengji, together with He Xiangning, Qi Baishi, Chang Xiangyu, Xiao Longshi, Guo Moruo, Xu Beihong, Qi Gong, Fan Dian and Su Shizhu, was included in "A Generation of Giants". Liu Zengji and Wang Xizhi, Ou Yangxun, Su Shi, Huang Gongwang, Dong Qichang, Shi Tao, Zhang Daqian, Qi Gong and Feng Yuan were recorded in Master Style.


        Liu Zengji’s works


        In March, 2020, Mr Liu Zengji won the Third World Culture Award, and was awarded the honorary titles of "World Master of Art" and "World Master of Art" successively. In 2020, in view of Mr. Liu Zengji’s artistic level, influence and recognition in the global art world and art market, he was awarded the "Top Award of Global Art Investment" and the honorary title of "Artist with Most Investment Value and Collection Potential in the World". On August 27, 2020, the National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee, China Traditional Culture Development Center and the National Senior Artist Title Evaluation Committee held the calligraphy qualification examination, and Mr. Liu Zengji was appraised as "National Senior Calligraphy Master". Runge of the works is 120,000-180,000 yuan/square foot.


        Liu Zengji’s works


        In December, 2020, in view of Mr Liu Zengji’s great influence in world culture, his works are highly representative of cultural inheritance and are deeply loved by people all over the world. He was hired as a "lifelong academician" and an "honorary professor" by the Royal Belgian Academy of Art, and was awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador of China-Europe Cultural Image". In January 2021, in view of Mr. Liu Zengji’s outstanding achievements in the cultural field and his outstanding contribution to promoting the exchange and development of world science, education and culture, he was awarded the "World Award for Outstanding Contribution to Science, Education and Culture" and was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Cultural Person in World Science, Education and Culture".


        Liu Zengji’s works

        水镜明辨 精极笔墨


        The water mirror clearly distinguishes the ink.

        -Remember the famous calligrapher Liu Zengji.

        Seeing Mr. Liu Zengji’s calligraphy works, the judgment of "distinguishing with water mirror" came into being, because judging from his style of calligraphy, it was an achievement that was very perceptive of the traditional book theory! Contemporary calligraphers who practice one post after another do not seem to care too much about the book theory behind the Fatie, so they know why, but can’t know why. Mr. Liu has done a good job of studying calligraphy in all previous dynasties, so he has a thorough awareness of calligraphy culture and Long Mai. He is guided by calligraphy theory, and deeply studied the inscriptions, thus writing this authentic calligraphy!


        Liu Zengji’s works


        He is a sage with all kinds of books, especially with all kinds of charm! He is a hone of meticulous brushwork. He writes in his hand, makes contributions to the calligraphy posts, and takes the second king of the law. He shows the true meaning of letting go of the calligraphy of Jin literati. This is the true kung fu of chasing Lanting Preface and facing Bo Yuantie. Looking at his calligraphy, it looks like a written document, which is full of Confucian neutral spirit and elegant aesthetic charm, showing the core principle of "combining rigidity with softness" in oriental aesthetics beyond measure. Therefore, by looking at his calligraphy works, we can not only get the beauty of form, but also thoroughly understand the beauty of culture, with both form and spirit, especially valued by God!


        Liu Zengji’s works


        The essence of calligraphy is the molding of lines, and it is not easy for Zhao Ziang to use his pen for ages. It’s not easy, that is, calligraphy lines can’t be written in a rigid way, but they need to be written in a vivid, energetic and varied way. Looking at Mr. Liu’s calligraphy works now, I just know this way. The attitude of writing calligraphy lines is infinite, including the posture of flying beasts, the posture of dancing snakes in Luan, the difference of hanging needles, and the strangeness of running thunder and falling stones. Once written, I looked left and right, like a kind of dragon winding. A turn in the past, flying up and down, such as husband and wife wandering. Is written between a row of ups and downs of Feng Yu Jue, within a little girl fell in milli mans! There are endless changes in brushwork, so you can write all kinds of images, which is wonderful with nature and cannot be achieved by force! It’s the literati’s calligraphy, which is good at writing lines and writing high and low. Such brushwork has reached the peak and is called artful, while such art has reached the highest and is called wonderful. It is both clever and charming, of course.


        Liu Zengji’s works



        Clear water mirror, fine ink. Many people in the world pay attention to the brushwork in calligraphy, while people like Mr. Liu who are skilled in calligraphy are rare. Mr. Liu is well aware that calligraphy is called "pen and ink", and pen is indispensable. Therefore, there is ink in the pen, and there is a pen in the ink. At the same time, he is superb at grasping the ink quality. Heavy ink to write collapse cloud, light ink to write cicada wings, or delicate like a new moon out of the horizon, or falling like a star in the river. The change of ink color is often oblique, such as the vivid interest of praying mantis and holding branches, and the imposing manner of floating wind and sudden rain. Before the pen arrives, the ink can be swallowed first. When it comes to Fukashi, it will be unstoppable. A work, must be the performance of both pen and ink as super powers. This is the important reason why his calligraphy has professional influence and aesthetic appeal! Only when Mr. Wang writes calligraphy in this way can the calligraphy culture Long Mai be laid out in a fair manner and can never be replaced by others!

        Famous painting and calligraphy critic

        Luo Cheng April 22, 2021.


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works


        Liu Zengji’s works

        1. 李文培
        2. 李文培著名水墨戏曲人物画家,国家一级美术师,中国戏剧家协会会员,中国舞台美术家协会理事,华侨大学兼职教授。 进入专题
        3. 责任编辑:汲平
        1. 宗燧岩
        2. 宗燧岩,男,1983年生, 07年毕业于北大资源美术学院。 在校期间得到栗宪庭、李天元、李岩、 ...进入专题
        3. 责任编辑:汲平
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